About Caitlin Admin

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So far Caitlin Admin has created 175 blog entries.

Riddhi Mehta

If I were Caring Ambassador at my high school, I would create activities to develop a more joyful spirit at the school. Kindness is contagious, so once the seed is planted, it automatically grows, even with a group of teenagers. Every time someone receives a smile from a stranger, it automatically makes them want to [...]


Carter Roberts

If I were the Caring Ambassador for Davis High School, I would consider it a great honor and would not take it lightly. I understand the importance of this role, to be the person in charge of making sure that the school's spirits are high. I believe that I have unique ideas that would be [...]


Shirleen Fang

As a caring ambassador, I would lead by example. In order for me to inspire other students to be more caring, I must first ask myself: how can I be more caring? To answer that question, I must exemplify kindness and empathy. Instead of only thinking about my perspective on a certain topic, I will [...]


Sydney Moir

If I were to be the “Caring Ambassador” at my school, my biggest focus would be to connect all people. I feel that at many schools, the student body is divided into groups of friends, whether it be jocks, cheerleaders, band kids, etc. I would want to unite these people, so that the idea of [...]


Timothy Schoech

A Caring Ambassador should be someone who works to take everyone into account in order to fashion a more loving environment. To create a more caring environment at my school, I’d reinforce the ideas of self-love and community service along with increasing student involvement. First, I’d start with improving people’s self-worth. To get people to [...]


Riette Heinze

I believe that we have become a society that has formed an opinion on who deserves kindness. Our society tends to think that one must ‘deserve’ kindness, mainly determined by their situation. We associate a bad situation with creating a need for care. I want to break this stigma. Since everyone deserves to see the [...]


Landon Burningham

If I was the caring ambassador of my school, I would start by leading by example. I would go out of my way to serve other people both at school and away from school. I would help people with their school work, talk with people who seem lonely, and go out of my way to [...]


Alison O’Dell

Caring is a trait that displays kindness to others.  Being a caring ambassador for my school would involve me concerning others and being selfless.  Nowadays, people express themselves as caring, but what does it take to be caring?  It is known that moods and feelings get passed on to others by just being near each [...]


Carleigh Williams

Implementing a caring attitude toward those around you is vital to being in a jubilant community. Students are losing their sense of respect for others and to inspire them to be more caring I challenge those around me to pay it forward. Showing others that you care can consist of doing small favors for someone, [...]

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