About Lane Michel

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So far Lane Michel has created 71 blog entries.

Caring Communities to Help Stop Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying In most communities there are times when we are faced with challenges, negativity or bullying. The internet has not been spared from this, especially on social media platforms. This newest form of internet harassment is often referred to as cyberbullying. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) want to help source tools and share resources [...]



kindness challenge Just like acts of gratitude, kindness can go far. We at Unified Caring Association (UCA) are so excited to share that DoTerra has organizing worldwide 15 Day Kindness Challenge. We love a good challenge! This is similar to our Caring Challenge where each day there are suggestions for the day to promote caring [...]


Thank You All of Our Scholarship Applicants

thank you Throughout each year, Unified Caring Association (UCA) holds scholarship contests to help those of all age ranges with funding for their education. Our recent fall applicants all had wonderful and caring essays that they submitted. If you could change one thing in the world to make it a more caring place, what would [...]


Getting Better at What We Care About

getting better care about There are many things as aspects of our lives that we care about: caring for our family, our performance at work, or even our physical fitness and health. But we can often find ourselves with little desire or in a struggle to improve. There are many ways we can strive to [...]


Being in Service

lunches Unified Caring Association (UCA) strives to continue promoting caring around the world. But how can someone start performing caring acts? One of the best ways is to start close to home. Help out at a local food bank or shelter or donate clothing or personal care items to those in need. UCA did just [...]


Volunteering for Health

volunteering Have you ever felt so good after helping someone else? If so you are not alone! There are so many ways to volunteer your time and skills to help others while giving yourself the gift of self-care. Unified Caring Association (UCA) gives more than three cheers for volunteers.  Volunteering does more than we often [...]


Starting Steps to Self-Care

At Unified Caring Association (UCA), we value taking care of each other. But where does this all start? We once blogged about how “It All Starts With Self-Care.” And UCA members have access to many tools that help with just this! One of these tools is the Self-Care Assessment! This is an easy, quick assessment [...]


Scholarship Award Winners Target Use of Social Media

Spreading positivity through caring essays. Unified Caring Association (UCA) loves helping people of all ages. We see this each year Unified Caring Association holds scholarship contests to help college bound students. This year for one of the scholarships we asked high school juniors and seniors to write short essays responding to the question, “If you [...]


Create a better world with caring.

Want to create a better world? Unified Caring Association's scholarship awardees have some ideas for you! The scholarship team at Unified Caring Association asked high school students to tell us what one thing they would change to make the world a better place. We didn't expect to receive such excellent answers! Such a young group [...]

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