About Lane Michel

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So far Lane Michel has created 71 blog entries.

A Hero Spreads Holiday Caring to Fire Victims

  The Camp Fire When the news of the Camp Fire reached the Unified Caring Association (UCA) office our team was hopeful. We hoped that the fire would be quickly controlled. Our prayers went out to all humans and animals that they would escape the fires unharmed. And we sent our caring to fire victims. [...]


UCA Rewards Students For Caring

Since 2016, the Unified Caring Association Scholarship program has awarded over one hundred scholarships to caring students. The UCA scholarship program is designed to reward kids for caring while celebrating and encouraging their kindheartedness. Nationwide, program specific scholarships have been created by UCA. We invite students to write a short 500-word essay answering a caring [...]


UCA Puts Kids in Caring Car Seats

When the team at UCA noticed that the Central Coast Kinship Center Foster and Adoptive Placement Program had a need on its wish list. This was the very basic safety item of car seats. We knew we had to help. After meeting, we decided to purchase all of the car seats they requested. Special care [...]


World Water Day

22nd of March — Philosophy through Photography This a day to celebrate the focus on the importance nature, trees, and water. World Water Day-Water Crisis Explained ( 8 minute read ) via World water day 22 nd March — Philosophy through Photography


Cloaked in Caring

Unified Caring Association’s Women Wishing Women Well clothing collection uses all proceeds from the sales to support women.  If an article of clothing remains in the store for 8 weeks, UCA donates the clothing article to women who are in challenging situations. Some examples of these situations are domestic violence, abandonment, fires, earthquakes and floods. [...]


A Reward for Caring

Since 2016, the Unified Caring Association Scholarship program has awarded over one hundred scholarships to caring students. The UCA scholarship program is designed to reward kids for caring while celebrating and encouraging their kindheartedness. Nationwide and program specific scholarships have been created by UCA where students are invited to write a short 500-word essay answering [...]


People Pick Up Tons of Trash

Viral Internet Challenge is Spurring People Around the World to Pick Up Tons of Trash and Then Snap Photos Rather than eating tide pods or spoonfuls of cinnamon, an eco-friendly new social media trend is inspiring people around the world to clean up litter. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu0xCcqAcng The #TrashTag challenge has reportedly been around for several years. [...]


We C.A.R.E.

UCA Provides Inspiration to Homeless and Trafficked Youth WE C.A.R.E. The C in our C.A.R.E. program stands for children. So when we learned about the caring work Covenant House does to support homeless and trafficked youth, we knew we needed to offer our support. Our first project with Covenant House was to provide a scholarship [...]


Enriching Lives and Communities with Education

Enriching Lives — Norah Colvin Education has the power to enrich lives. By education, I mean all of life’s experiences that contribute to learning. Sometimes these experiences occur in school. Mostly they don’t. Schooling is but a small part of ones’ education, and its ability to enrich varies depending on: an individual’s circumstances and attitudes [...]


UCA Steps Up for Students

Students When Shasta County Office of Education (SCOE) made a plea for help on social media, Unified Caring Association (UCA) took notice. Their students were in need of basic clothing items and shoes after the devastating Carr Fire. We knew we needed to help so the team at UCA kicked our caring into action! We [...]

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