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So far Layla Hurst has created 188 blog entries.

Senior Living: The Impact of Technology

Technology advances so quickly that it can be hard to keep up. The benefit of this rapid growth is that there are always new innovations that address human needs. While these technologies are often marketed to younger people, they can have great benefits for everyone, including seniors. Today we’ll learn about three technologies that can [...]


No time to exercise? Meet the micro workout

Traditional workouts can eat up a lot of our precious time. Commuting to/from the gym, waiting to use the equipment, and doing an hour-long routine is a huge commitment. Doing it multiple times a week is overwhelming, at best. Add that to all the other daily pressures of being human, and going to the gym [...]


Tips to make New Year’s resolutions less stressful

The buzzing energy at the start of a new year makes anything seem possible. We dream of a clean slate, full of potential. Work out every day, learn a new language, quit smoking (cold turkey), etc. Driven by the desire for total self-transformation, we might set very lofty resolutions, or too many of them. The [...]


Say Yes to Less Stress – 5 Tips to Survive this Holiday Season

It’s winter and the holiday season is upon us. And with it comes Christmas carols, Kwanzaa feasts, the lighting of the hanukkiyah (commonly called a menorah) on Hanukkah, and more. While the holidays are a time for gathering with loved ones, they’re also notorious for being stressful. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, [...]


Say Yes to Less Stress – 5 Tips to Survive this Holiday Season

It’s winter and the holiday season is upon us. And with it comes Christmas carols, Kwanzaa feasts, the lighting of the hanukkiyah (commonly called a menorah) on Hanukkah, and more. While the holidays are a time for gathering with loved ones, they’re also notorious for being stressful. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association, [...]


Building Healthy Blended Families: 6 Tips Help Children Adapt

The nuclear family is no longer the only socially acceptable environment to raise children. In fact, 16% of children in the US live in blended families. Blended families with children come in many forms, incl. divorced/separated couples who’ve remarried/recoupled, two single parents joining households, etc. While blending families is common, it can still be destabilizing [...]


A Simple 6 Week Walking Plan for Seniors

Walking. It’s an automatic action that we usually don’t think about. From our first steps, to crossing the graduation stage, to walking down the aisle to say, “I do”, many of us take it for granted. But the seemingly simple act of walking is actually a complex process involving our brain, nervous system, muscles, joints, [...]


Got the Winter Blues? Here are 4 Ways to Beat ‘Em

For those of us who experience cold winters, it can be a challenge. Winter is freezing, icy, and gray. And it seemingly lasts forever. So, it’s no surprise that up to 20% of US adults experience the winter blues. This non-medical term refers to the “blah” feelings and low mood we experience during wintertime. While [...]

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