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So far Layla Hurst has created 188 blog entries.

How to Limit Screen Time for Children

Many of us grew up glued to the tv. Every. Day. We watched before school, during dinner and before we went to bed. For variety, we’d pour ourselves a bowl of sugary cereal (or three), put on some cartoons and call it a perfect Saturday morning. Since then, screen use has only increased. Smart phones, [...]


3 Easy Seated Yoga Poses for Seniors

A few weeks ago, we talked about simple standing yoga poses for seniors. Today, to continue the flexible goodness, we’ll explore yoga from a different position: the floor! Physical limitations like injury, disability and balance problems can make standing difficult. And sometimes, it’s just easier to build yoga practice from the ground up. Literally. No [...]


25 Reasons Why Getting Older is Awesome

Getting older can be scary. At least society makes it seem that way. From the cultural obsession with youth, to the way western society seems to ignore older people, aging doesn’t have the best reputation. Especially for people ages of 60+. But getting older can be an awesome experience filled with many benefits, like the [...]


Featured Volunteer Opportunity: Coding Mentors Wanted

It’s the digital era and coding (aka computer programming) is the foundation of our modern life. Computers, phones, apps, airplanes, tv’s and cars all rely on code to work properly. Put simply, code is a set of instructions that tells machines what to do. The people who write code are called programmers.  According to the [...]


Global Reforestation News Roundup: October 2022

Mining, logging, natural disasters, disease, and drought can damage forests. Reforestation helps offset these disturbances. Trees help filter air and water, prevent landslides and floods, strengthen soil, and keep the earth cool. They also provide homes and food for many animals. Without healthy trees, our ecosystem is unbalanced and in danger. Fortunately, many governments and [...]


3 Suggestions for Raising Resilient Children

Resilience is the ability to successfully adapt and recover in tough situations. It’s the willingness and persistence to keep trying, despite the obstacles. Resilient children are emotionally and behaviorally flexible. They can confidently manage their thoughts, feelings, and actions to deal with uncertainty. And like most skills, building resilience takes practice. Read on to learn [...]


17 Fun Activities for Seniors (that Aren’t Bingo)

When did bingo become the de facto recreational activity for older adults? That’s not to say a night of casual gambling isn’t fun, because it can be. It even has benefits like social connection, increased mental engagement and, of course, prizes. But bingo isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And it’s definitely not the only leisurely [...]


4 Exercises We Can Do with Our Dog

Spending time with our dog(s) is one of life’s greatest joys. They make everything more fun, and exercise is no exception. But before we include our furry pal in our workout routine, it’s helpful to know which activities are best for them. Today, we’ll learn about four exercises we can do with our dogs, and [...]

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