Friendship Line- A Caring Ear for the Elderly

Affecting a significant number (about one-third) of the elderly, loneliness and social isolation can put us at risk of serious health problems. We can take certain measures to cope with the loneliness of the elderly, and among those, "Friendship Line" is the most accredited crisis line available for the elderly. Here we’ll discuss how we [...]


Ways to Remain Independent in Old Age – AmeriCorps

The likelihood of suffering chronic and disabling diseases has increased due to a significant increase in life expectancy in recent years. Consequently, we need professional care and assistance as we get older. Here we’ll discuss which diseases or situations can make us care-dependent and options to overcome this issue, including how AmeriCorps can help us [...]


7 of the Best YouTube Channels for Older Adults

YouTube is home to an astounding 800 million videos and 37 million different channels! On average, people spend 100 minutes each day watching videos online. Videos are an engaging, visual way to get information. From quick DIYs to in-depth tutorials, YouTube has something for everyone, including older adults. Today, we’ll talk about 7 of the [...]


4 Fall Prevention Tips for Elderly People

Each year, 36 million people in the US aged 65+ report a fall; three million visits the emergency room. Falling doubles the likelihood of future falls and kills 600 people every day. Falling is usually the result of many factors, including medical conditions, medications, and environmental factors. Today we’ll learn about the dangers of falling, [...]


Advance Healthcare Directive

An advance healthcare directive refers to a legal document that states our medical decisions if we cannot make the decisions in the future due to illness or incapacity. It defines our healthcare desires and values related to end-of-life decisions, including artificial nutrition, dialysis, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), etc. Let’s briefly discuss the types of advance directive, [...]


Geriatric Depression and Ways to Cope With it

Geriatric depression, also known as late-age depression, is not a normal aging phenomenon but a mental health disease that needs to be managed just like other illnesses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 7 million US elders are affected by depression. Here, we'll discuss the symptoms of geriatric depression and [...]


Presbycusis in the Elderly

Presbycusis refers to the age-related gradual impairment of hearing from both ears. It is the leading cause of hearing loss worldwide, and about one-third of the US population aged 70 or more is affected by presbycusis. Commonly, it occurs due to age-related changes in the auditory nerve and inner ear. However, the risk factors may [...]


9 Helpful Resources for Seniors and Older Adults

1. has helpful information for every aspect of senior life, from health to money management. Their team of industry professionals includes a Ph.D. level gerontology expert, financial law advisor, audiologist, and more. 2. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) AARP is one of the most well-known organizations for older people, and for good [...]


5 Easy Ways to Improve Cognitive Health for Older Adults

Our society tends to devalue older adults, which can make the process of aging feel scary. According to the CDC, 60% of people surveyed about aging related fears were afraid of memory loss. Additionally, people were twice as afraid of cognitive decline as they were of physical limitations. It’s understandable. We want to stay sharp, [...]


Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease in the Elderly

Dementia refers to the decline in cognitive function of the brain, affecting memory, learning, judgment, and language abilities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia among the elderly. About 6.2 million elder Americans are affected by this disease, characterized by progressive memory loss, disorientation, and negative changes in mood and personality. Here we’ll [...]

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