Just by being a member of UCA, you are already a Custodian of the Caring Movement! We are all a part of the C.A.R.E. mission of the Association.

What is C.A.R.E.?
UCA teams with projects that benefit those who cannot speak for themselves. Our CARE partner projects assist nonprofit organizations to create meaningful change in the world through caring. UCA C.A.R.E. projects focus on creating improvement through caring in the areas of Children, Animals, Reforestation and the Elderly.

Although these are the program’s core areas of focus, we do not limit ourselves to just these areas. Other C.A.R.E. projects have focused on providing support to Veterans, addiction treatment programs, victims of natural disasters, and survivors of sex-trafficking to name a few.

UCA caring knows no bounds – we endeavor to be where ever caring is needed!

Community Needs Across the World and in Our Own Back Yard

Community Needs Across the World and in Our Own Back Yard Caring knows no bounds when there is an opportunity to help.  Your Association sponsored the publication of an Annual Donor Impact mailing on behalf of a global non-profit that saves lives through innovation and self-empowerment of recipients.  We also participated in a Rotary International [...]


Sex Trafficking Non-Profit Given a Boost by UCA

Sex Trafficking Non-Profit Given a Boost by UCA Sex trafficking is always on our radar as it is an ongoing situation that affects all communities regardless of economic standing. This led us to discover a non-profit organization trying to make a difference in a community where sex trafficking is commonplace but never addressed.  To help [...]


UCA Community Sponsors Dog Shelters for Inundated Rescue

UCA Community Sponsors Dog Shelters for Inundated Rescue Economic issues across the nation have resulted in a reduction in the number of families adopting dogs as they simply cannot afford to adequately care for them. This has created an overflow of unwanted dogs in many communities. In spite of a great track record in rescuing, [...]


Taking Heart Knowing Horses Are in Sanctuary

Taking Heart Knowing Horses Are in Sanctuary The team at Humanity for Horses Sanctuary continues to be completely devoted to providing the best care possible for all the animals that call the sanctuary their forever home. Caring for over 600 large animals every day is an enormous undertaking. The animals that live there have their [...]


UCA Continues Supporting Emotional Intelligence for Vulnerable Children Across the USA

UCA Continues Supporting Emotional Intelligence for Vulnerable Children Across the USA Many children today do not experience the traditional structure of family life due to economic and other challenging hardships.  Instability, food deprivation, and homelessness have left these children feeling displaced, vulnerable, and depressed.   As the welfare of children has always been a priority, UCA [...]


Humanity for Horses Sanctuary Sponsorship

In 2021 Humanity for Horses faced an enormous crisis. Their sanctuary which housed over 600 rescued animals became endangered from wildfires and the encroaching pot grower industry. The cost of moving all those precious souls was enormous. Most importantly, a strong and efficient water system for animal care, sanctuary operations and fire protection was needed. [...]


1,000 Moonbud Sets to The Dream Center

In late September of this year, Unified Caring Association had the privilege of sending 1,000 Moonbud Feeling Cards and Dictionary sets to the Dream Center on Pine Ridge Reservation, So. Dakota.  The Dream Center, run by a small staff and volunteers, serves hundreds of disadvantaged children from the Reservation every week, providing food, clothing, supplies [...]


UCA Responds for Children Impacted by Hurricane Ida

When Hurricane Ida hit southern Louisiana in late August of this year, we reached out to source a way to provide whatever we could to offer caring support to the hundreds of families displaced by the storm.  What we found was an organization called Friend Ships a/k/a Park West Children’s Fund that was actively participating [...]

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