What Does Self Care Actually Mean?

The term “self care” may conjure up images of bubble baths and spa days, cucumber slices on eyes included. Often, we think of self care as a luxury, something to be done as a treat or reward. And, although it is nice to indulge sometimes, practicing self care is more than that. It requires that [...]


Three Simple Suggestions for Practicing Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance is the ability to embrace all aspects of our being, flaws included. It means coming to terms with parts of ourselves that we find undesirable. This is different from self-esteem, which refers to confidence in our positive attributes and capabilities. Self-acceptance is more unconditional; it happens when we can love ourselves, despite our shortcomings [...]


5 Easy Altruistic Practices to Benefit Others

What is Altruism? Altruism is an action done with the intention of boosting wellness of others without self-gain. It may even extend to risking our own well-being for that of others. Some people argue that genuine altruism (aka pure altruism) doesn’t exist, as people are naturally self-interested. However, research suggests that we are altruistic from [...]


How to Set Boundaries Like a Boss

What are Boundaries and Why are They Important? Boundaries are guidelines we put in place to safeguard our physical, emotion and mental wellness. They are useful for protecting ourselves and ensuring our needs are met. When we overextend ourselves, agree to things we don’t want to, or allow people to treat us unkindly, we may [...]


How to Beat Burnout

What is Burnout Burnout is a state of all-encompassing exhaustion that results from prolonged, consistent stress. Originally applied only to those in helping professions (nurses, mental health professionals, social workers, etc.), the term is now used for anyone experiencing the fallout from overworking. When we feel overwhelmed, undervalued, or emotionally drained, we may be unable [...]


How to Be Less of a Control Freak

The term “control freak” is often interpreted (and said) negatively. But, to a point, seeking to maintain control is common. Many elements of our existence cannot be predetermined. The simple fact is that life is unpredictable. A cliché? Maybe. Unsettling? Undoubtedly. Fuelled by fear, we may try to bend situations to our will. The end [...]


How To Get Out of the Comfort Zone

A quick internet search about the “comfort zone” will produce tons of quotes about the benefits of risk-taking. We’re told that we aren’t really living if we stick to our safe routines. It’s said that if we never venture outside of the familiar, we’ll never grow. But what is the comfort zone, and what does [...]


How to Communicate Like a Pro?

Communication is key to being human. We do it daily, at the store, at work, and with our loved ones. Sometimes, we try to get our point across and we’re unsuccessful. We all have our own “filters”. They come from our experiences, beliefs, and insecurities. We view the world through these filters, including what people [...]


Give Yourself a Break

We often think of compassion as only a one-way street.  A virtue that travels from ourselves toward another. The ability to feel sorrow over another person's suffering, and to express that sorrow in a way that is intended to alleviate that suffering. Unlike pity, compassion does not suggest any feeling of superiority to the suffering [...]

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