Remember Hope in 3 Stages

Here we are over a year later and still find ourselves gripped by the hands of a pandemic. By now, most of us have experienced losses and adapted to a new normal that has stretched beyond all expectation. Leaving behind the beating hearts of many wondering, when will this ever end? The world events that [...]


A Caring Community of One

Ancient wisdom tells us that there is strength in numbers.  Our grandmothers taught us “many hands make light work.” We would do well to revisit the sage advice of our Elders. Theirs is often a hard-won form of common sense, good judgment and prudence.  And it all ladders up to the notion that seemingly monumental [...]


Harmony Over Balance

We all know someone who actively seeks more balance in their life. Whether it be a work-life-balance or just a balanced diet. No matter the type of balance one seeks to find, the motive behind it remains similar; we want outcomes that leave us with the feelings of well-being and a sense of peace. It’s [...]


New Year, New Commitments

We all know the story. We make grandiose plans to change our lives and achieve new goals when the ball drops on the New Year and despite our best efforts these New Year’s dreams go unrealized. According to the University of Scranton around 80% of people who make New Year’s resolutions fail to achieve them. [...]


The End of Year Life-Audit

Well, we did it. We have managed to make it through one of the strangest and possibly most challenging years we have yet to face as a collective humanity. As we approach the final days of 2020, we are met with the opportunity to reflect and discern on how to best move forward into the [...]


Holidays in Full Measure

Kids are so great at counting.  They still tell you their age in fractions.  “I’ll be 5-and-a-half tomorrow,” you’ll hear them say.  They are masters of anticipation.  “Christmas will be here in only six more sleeps.” Some even “track” Santa on the Radar.  Somewhere along the line, we lose this notion as we get older [...]


Thanks for… NOTHING?!

Every year around Thanksgiving time, most folks stay busy preparing their home to celebrate. Whether the gathering is large, or a low-key event, the day is set aside to call to mind the good fortune and blessings we enjoy in our lives. It’s easy to think of a long list. A roof over our head. [...]


The World is Crazy; So Here’s the Plan

Remember “normalcy?” It’s been a while. But before this current version of “crazy,” you probably thought elements of your “way back then” life were pretty crazy too. It didn’t require the first worldwide pandemic in 100 years to hear people saying things like: “I’m not cut out for this.”“I’m getting too old for this.”“I didn’t [...]


Becoming the Eye of the Storm

Between the pandemic, wildfires, hurricanes, political tension, and everyday stressors of our lives, it seems like we are in a chaotic whirlwind called 2020. These turbulent times can make us feel uncomfortable, uncertain, angry, fearful, disappointed, or any combination of the mentioned emotions along with a slew of others. That is external chaos and it’s [...]


Comfort from the Storm

In these turbulent times, you’ve probably observed that just about every news story is overwhelmingly about things we can’t influence or control, and ultimately this leaves us feeling unable to help, or make a change. It’s easy to get hooked on this headline distress – there’s even a new name for the excessive amount of [...]

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