5 Easy Altruistic Practices to Benefit Others

What is Altruism? Altruism is an action done with the intention of boosting wellness of others without self-gain. It may even extend to risking our own well-being for that of others. Some people argue that genuine altruism (aka pure altruism) doesn’t exist, as people are naturally self-interested. However, research suggests that we are altruistic from [...]


How To Fight Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the illegal act of trapping people using violence, manipulation, or dishonesty. The intended outcome is financial gain. Those who are most vulnerable are often targets of human traffickers. This includes people experiencing poverty, abuse, mental health issues, and low self-esteem. However, trafficking can happen to anyone regardless of age, race, or gender. [...]


5 Ways to Honor National Foster Care Awareness Month

May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. This awareness month is less known and celebrated compared to others. With 5 ways to honor foster youth this month, we can begin to change that! Remember the Future It’s important we celebrate and find caring ways to honor National Foster Care Awareness month because these youth are [...]


You Don’t Have to Be Rich or Famous to Help People

Have you watched one of those heartwarming shows on TV where the show’s hosts completely transform the lives of others? These feel-good shows have become super popular during the pandemic because they give us hope in these strange times. If you find yourself sitting on the couch matching endless reruns of these types of shows [...]


How to Teach Your Children About Volunteering

We all want to think our children will grow up to care about the world around them. There’s no better way to ensure that than to teach them how to do so. Children are naturally compassionate and caring. By fostering these traits, you can help them develop a passion for helping others. Here are a [...]


Virtual Volunteering Just Got Easier

Unified Caring Association (UCA) now includes a virtually volunteering global network for all members. Virtual volunteering via Impact Connect makes it safe and easy to connect with people and communities who have plans or dreams to be realized. We Can All Help Each Other So Easily This extensive and growing volunteer network, called Impact Connect, [...]

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