There is a lot of information out there folks! The definition of a pandemic is an outbreak of a new disease. So by nature, we don’t know a whole lot about it. On top of a pandemic, we are also dealing with an entirely new way of life living. For example, living under the shelters put in place to help stop the spread of this new virus. New on top of new! And lots of information out there, so it’s hard to make heads or tails of it. One thing we can do to help soften the blow of fear and anxiety is put up Compassionate Boundaries.
Compassionate Boundaries
Compassionate boundaries are a form of self-care that enable us to live our fullest lives even during these challenging times. It could mean turning off the news for a period of time, or not going on social media as often.
Sometimes it is a bit more specific than that. Sometimes it means having to unfollow certain people on social media because their posts invoke anxiety in you. Or perhaps mute messages from certain people. This distance can help put you at ease because constant news just adds to the fear you already feeling. Or maybe don’t click on that link to the article your mom sent you if you have a feeling it may topple any sense of security you have been carefully building up.
Whatever it is you need to do to be compassionate with yourself, do it! Help yourself get through these unusual times with a decent quality of life. You don’t have to be a shoulder to cry on for everyone. (Okay, maybe save it for your children, or even just yourself.) We have to give ourselves the room we need to feel some sense of peace in this changing world. If you can lend a helping hand, do it. But don’t feel obligated to read every message or take every call. Put up the compassionate boundaries that allow you to have peace and maintain a hopeful outlook. It may help others when they see you making choices that reinforce hope instead of fear. It is a strong possibility that you are inspiring them to do the same thing.
We are all being called to do extraordinary things for the collective caring of our families, communities and the world in response to the unique coronavirus pandemic. Whether home bound or providing critical services, everyone is stretched to adapt like never before. All of us are in this together. Now more than ever, caring is what we need most. Caring for our self. Caring for others around us. Life is going to require new routines, resilience and compassion. We invite you to join us in creating a caring movement to respond to local needs.
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