Even if we, in our personal lives are having a wonderful day, something in the world around us, will cause us to feel stressed, worried or sad. The negativity that we are inundated with definitely causes us physical and emotional harm. So how do we avoid such horrible events, or better yet, how can we handle these horrible events when they are brought to our attention?
When we hear or read something violent or horrific on the news, we are left feeling helpless and troubled. This in itself affects how we handle our own challenges and problems. In order for us to create or protect our individual happiness and serenity, we must learn to discipline ourselves concerning what and who we allow into our life and personal space.
Many believed that Covid would bring about a positive change, and we would become a better humanity. However, it did not happen, and instead, we see and feel more separation, divide, violence and fear.
The only way to cope and handle this onslaught of despair and negativity is to become the leader of our own world. We have the ability to create a world, within a world. This is not based on finances; it is based on beliefs and disciplines.
Even though we are part of the collective, we are unique in our ability to manifest our own little heaven on earth. This can happen in a grand way, or even in the smallest of endeavors. We can be living in a one room apartment, but that apartment can be filled with magnificent treasures, beauty and sacredness. This not only instills in us peace of mind, but a much healthier existence, as our well-being is no longer at stake.
Our planet is part of a much vaster universe and this universe is limitless. This limitlessness is something that we can infuse into our own life system. We no longer “settle”, or just survive. We become a player in the much bigger picture that says: “I will not just endure and count me in for sure!”
Some Things that Can Cause Anxiety and Stress
Fear is definitely an emotion that can either hold us back or catapult us to our highest potential. Many times, our fear is associated with our wisdom. We face life realistically and know that danger lurks in certain places and within many situations. On the other hand, our fear can be stimulated from a previous wound that holds us back and paralyzes us. Therefore, the first step to empowering ourselves is to face our fear head on and study where they come from. Do not deny it – decode it!
Mistakes are necessary for our personal development and empowerment. However, if we keep making the same mistakes over and over again, the end result will be frustration and depletion. Success and fulfilment cannot be achieved without having the courage to make mistakes. As a humanity, why are we so addicted to perfection? It is absurd! Only those who are willing to try will rise. Only those who are willing to try will learn what is good for them and what is not….. and what is not is as important as what is!
Nothing will derail our peace of mind and serenity like confusion. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to find clarity and certainty, whether that be in a relationship or in a situation. Confusion leads to doubt, helplessness, despair, and failure. Sadly, our world leaves us questioning most things. We may never find the real truth, or what is good for us, outside of ourselves. Therefore, to eliminate confusion, we need to focus on what is our own inner truth and what we are certain about in our own life.
Some Things that Help Relieve Anxiety and Stress
Discernment is a wisdom that was and is used by all sacred tribes. The Hopi’s believe that there can be a tribe of 1,000 people, however, if 999 think righteously and 1 does not, yet allowed into the tribe – the whole tribe can fall. Discernment is vital to the success of our integrity, our happiness and even our life. We need to study, contemplate and have patience. Things and people that look so good, can be truly the opposite, and some things and people that look so bad, can equally be the opposite. Discerning before deciding is, and always will be, our greatest safety.
Empowering Beliefs
What we think is what we are, and what we create. Therefore, the primary goal is to believe that our life can be magical and wonderful, no matter what is happening around us or in the world. We can be empowered, even under trying circumstances. One enlightened thought transmutes a hundred darkened ones. Each of us has the ability and wherewithal to discipline our minds and shape shift a negative reality into a positive one, just through understanding our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
Problem Solving Skills
For every problems there is a solution is very true, but the solution may not be what we hoped for. Acceptance and non-attachment are the keys to a peaceful life. There is so much out of our control, so the only thing we can control is ourselves. Free will choice has created quite a mess, and the global situation has created quite a turmoil. Therefore, the wisest thing we can do is to let go of what we cannot affect and take charge of what we can. Once that happens, the solutions find their way into our mind and heart. We can finally breathe a sigh of “relief’.
Knowing Tips To Avoid with Anxiety and Stress
- Knowing that being a people pleaser eradicates our self-empowerment and peace of mind.
- Knowing that when we are the initiator of safety for others, we also develop a sense of safety.
- Knowing that being flexible can be our greatest serenity.
- Knowing that failure is the first step to success.
- Knowing that denial leads to much bigger problems.
- Knowing that challenges and difficulties take less a toll on us if we have faith.
- Knowing that when happiness lives within us, it is permanent: when it is derived from something outside of ourselves, it is temporary.
- Knowing that there is never a good reason to be mean or cruel.
- Knowing that needing to be right always brings conflict.
- Knowing that our wounds of the past are not meant for our future.
- Knowing that believing we can is the first step to knowing we can.
- Knowing that we are always worth our constant effort.
- Knowing that acceptance of what we cannot change brings peace of mind.