To CARE describes the verb “care” as “to be concerned or solicitous; have thought or regard.” But how do you show that you care about someone? People have many ideas as to how a person shows that they care for another person. Some say that giving presents are the best way; others say that you have to tell the person directly. I have my own ideas, but the best way to explain my point of view is with my own life experiences:

One of my classmates, Jake, came up to me one day and asked, “Can I ask you something?” Now, Jake is normally a quiet person, and he doesn’t talk to me much. Nevertheless, I let him ask his question. Jake told me that he was depressed, and was going to run away. I was shocked to the point of tears. After a long talk, however, he promised me he wouldn’t run away and to let me keep tabs on him. We did not know it then, but we would become best friends. With this, I learned something very important. “Care” starts with the letter “C.” That “C” means that when someone asks if they “can ask you something,” you let them. There are no exceptions. The “A” means to “Always listen.” If I had not listed to what Jake had to say, there might have been one more face in the “Have You Seen Me?” ads. If you do not listen to someone when they have something to say, you are telling them that you do not care. You are telling them that they are not important enough to talk to. To show you care, “Always listen.”

The “R” in “Care” means to “Remember.” Remember those people that have helped you in life, and make sure you remind them how important they are to you. My father has been through so much as a single teenage parent, but he worked hard and made sure my brother and I were well taken care of. Every chance I get, I make sure he knows that I appreciate him for everything he has ever done for us.

Lastly, “E” stands for “Everyone needs help sometimes.” You know that you cannot solve all of a person’s problems. But that does not mean you cannot help in some areas. For example, in a new math class, I noticed a student having trouble with a problem. “Hey,” I said. “Do you need any help?” He immediately relaxed, as if I took some of the weight off of his shoulders. “Please! This is driving me crazy,” he responded in a light tone. We became acquaintances in that class, constantly helping each other understand new concepts and solving large math problems. We proved to one another that even through an acquaintanceship, we can show that we care about each other’s successes.

Overall, I believe that to show someone you care, you have to follow the acronym, CARE: “Can I ask you something?” (“Of course!”), “Always listen”, “Remember”, and “Everyone needs help sometimes.” To follow these little lessons in life is to show that you care about others. It shows people that you are genuinely concerned about them. There is no better feeling than feeling that you are cared about.