Kids & Teens
Let us help you raise caring children.

Hero Program
This Hero Program is designed to glorify and spark the goodness and strength in children. The goal is to assist them to feel more empowered and positive about themselves and put these gifts into practice.

Healing Through Horses
There were four horses from Heaven who were sitting around the stable and having a meeting. They would watch down from above with sadness with all that was going on in the world. Join to read on about how four horses set on a journey to bring presents to Earth so they can make a difference.

Sunbuddy Peace Flag
As the peace flags line up, they spell out the word PEACEFUL. These flags may be hung inside the home to increase a serene, loving atmosphere or outside where the wind can carry their positive energies. Each flag is sized at 5” x 9”. Join to print the flags so you can hang them.

Making Everyday a Day of Kindness
We have 21 acts of kindness for children to follow daily. Join today to download and hang these acts up to remind children how to spread kindness to all!

Emotionally Smart
Is My Child Resilient? Tool
We created this simple tool to help our members assess each of their children’s personal resilience. Being resilient is now perhaps the most important skill every child needs throughout their development into adult life. Join to download this tool!
Videos that Help Kids Access Feelings and Emotions – Join today!
The Way I Feel
When I Feel Good About Myself
When I Care About Others

Cyber-bullying & Social Media Challenges
Before our children experience bullying online or face-to-face at any age, we need to model and instill the values and tools they need.
Stomp Out Bullying is a non-profit organization standing up against hate, racism and discrimination. Cyber-bullying and challenges with kids’ use of social networks can be solved.
World Day for Bullying Prevention is the first Monday of every October. #BlueUp

Teaching Kids of All Ages Caring
Coloring pages on caring, kindness and positive words helps kids learn. Join to gain access to downloadable caring coloring pages for your child.
Mobile Apps…Safe, Caring, Educational!
In the vast world of mobile apps filling the app stores, we search for ones that are compatible with caring values and teach age appropriate skills. For safety, we verify each mobile app with Common Sense Media who reviews, monitors and rates all kinds of electronic media apps. To pick mobile apps that you won’t have to be nervous about, we have a starting list for members after you join.

Videos for Kids Under 10 – Join today!
Kindness is Cooler, Mrs. Ruler
Listening with My Heart
Kindness (Oscar Winning Short Story)
Kindness is a Muscle
All About Kindness and Good Deeds

Videos for Sharing Caring with Teens – Join today!
Life Vest Inside – Kindness Boomerang – “One Day”
Life Vest Inside – Revolution of Love
A Self-Care Action Plan – How to Adult
“Under the Surface” – Empathy Film
The Secret to Increasing Your Empathy – The Science of Empathy
Too Quick to Judge