Impetigo is a type of skin infection that occurs due to bacteria, including Staphylococcus pyogenes or Staphylococcus aureus. It can spread through direct contact with a person or an infectious object. Kids with impetigo usually have a rash around the nose, mouth, or other body areas. In severe cases, it may have pus and looks like red sores that are itchy, elevated, and swollen. Impetigo gets worse without treatment but can be manageable and mild if treated at an early stage.


Following are the typical symptoms of impetigo that appear in kids and can vary according to the types of bacteria:

  • Red lumps
  • Filled sores
  • Swollen, red, itchy skin areas
  • Swollen lymph nodes

Moreover, kids with impetigo may have associated symptoms like fever, nausea, flu, and lethargy.

Tips to cure impetigo

Topical antibiotics

A pediatrician may prescribe antibiotic creams to apply over the affected skin. Use it as the doctor advises and continue with the doctor’s suggestion.

Oral or intravenous (IV) antibiotics

A child specialist may also prescribe oral or IV antibiotics to treat the condition of severe impetigo. Antibiotics are the mainstay of impetigo treatment because bacteria primarily cause this skin infection.

Maintain child’s hygiene

Keep the wound of the kid clean and maintain their hygiene. Use dry and clean bandages to cover the drooling or open hurts. Wash the cloth, towel, and items impetigo kids use to avoid spreading the infection.

Guard wounds and infections

If the kid has an open wound or infected skin, avoid them by spending time in ponds, sauna baths, oceans, swimming pools,  and rivers. Do not let the kid go into activities that can worsen the wound.

Use Aloe Vera

Apply Aloe Vera gel on the infected skin of the kid’s wounds to help heal the infection. A study published in 2012 has admitted the beneficial effects of topical aloe vera gel in skin infections.

 Garlic or garlic extract

Apply a slice of garlic or garlic extract on the infected skin area to help heal the sores. Moreover, apply raw or manuka honey on the sores, let it settle for twenty minutes, and rinse it with warm water. It can reduce the irritation and pain caused by impetigo sores.

Turmeric Paste

Add turmeric powder to warm water, make a paste, and apply on sores to reduce local inflammation and improve skin immunity in children affected with impetigo.



Impetigo is a bacterial infection that causes sores on the skin that appear red, swollen, and elevated. Impetigo can affect the skin of the nose, mouth, around the lips, and other skin areas. The most common bacteria that cause impetigo include Staphylococcus aureus or Staphylococcus pyogenes. To cure impetigo, antibiotics, honey, safe hygiene practices, Aloe vera, garlic extract, and turmeric can be used. Moreover, it is also essential to avoid direct contact and separate their clothes, towel, and bed sheets to minimize its spread.