
Senior Lifestyle Support
Nutrition and staying active helps older adults remain more fit and happy. Whether it is help with meals, appropriate exercises, or lots of activities the resources here can inspire a healthier senior lifestyle.
Meals on Wheels
More than 5,000 Meals on Wheels community-based programs across the country are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. Frequent in-home visits provide unique opportunities to meet nutritional needs, combat social isolation, address safety hazards and provide holistic care to seniors.
Exercise for Older Adults:
Exercise Warm Up for Older Adults
10 minute Workout for Older Adults from Go4Life
15 minute Workout for Older Adults from Go4Life
4 Flexibility and Cool Down Exercises for Older Adults from Go4Life
Seated Exercises for Older Adults
Standing Exercises for Older Adults
Yoga for Seniors by Javier Salinas | PART 1
Yoga for Seniors by Javier Salinas | Part 2
Seniors Improve your Balance with Multi-Movements! Led by Paula Montalvo, Senior Chair Yoga Teacher
Tai chi warmup in chair
Chair Tai Chi
Sit and Be Fit Exercises
Health and Fitness ideas from the National Institute on Aging:
Exercise for People with Low Vision
Walking for Your Health
Have Fun. Be Active with Your Dog!
Mall Walking
Heart Health
Be Physically Active Without Spending a Dime
Overcoming Barriers to Exercise: No More Excuses
Exercising with Osteoarthritis
Yoga and Older Adults
Have Fun. Be Active with your Grandchildren!
Maintaining a Healthy Weight
Choosing Healthy Restaurant Meals
Shopping for Food That’s Good for You
Drinking Enough Fluids
Healthy Snacking

Staying Connected to Stay Active
One of the top priority needs of seniors across the country is to have a sense of community, social interaction and companionship. When that doesn’t happen, where do seniors turn for help? We have assembled a few great starters to keep connected.
Senior’s Crisis Support
Institute on Aging’s 24-hour toll-free Friendship Line is the only accredited crisis line in the country for people aged 60 years and older, and adults living with disabilities.
The Friendship Line is both a crisis intervention hotline and a warmline for non-emergency emotional support calls. Founded in 1973 and accredited by the American Association of Suicidology, Friendship Line provides around-the-clock crisis support services including:
- Providing emotional support
- Elder abuse reporting
- Well-being checks
- Grief support through assistance and reassurance
- Active suicide intervention
- Information and referrals for isolated older adults, and adults living with disabilities
Senior Corps Community
A U.S. government agency under the authority of the Corporation for National and Community Service, Senior Corps’ stated mission is to provide aid to senior citizens in communities while promoting a sense of community.
Senior Corps programs include:
Senior Corps Foster Grandparents Program
Senior Corps RSVP Program
Senior Corps Senior Companions Program
Seniors Improving Our Environment
The Environmental Alliance for Senior Involvement (EASI) builds, promotes, and utilizes the environmental ethic, expertise, and commitment of older persons to expand citizen involvement in protecting and caring for our environment for present and future generations.

Locating Senior Services in Your Area
Eldercare Locator
A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging connecting you to services for older adults and their families. Their website includes a locator page where you can search by city or zip for resources, or you can search by topic for general information about a topic. Great resource!
2-1-1 or
Free and confidential service that helps people across the U.S. and in many parts of Canada find the local resources they need.

Legal Assistance
Free Legal Aid Program Locator (By State) – Join to have access to this locator.
Law Help provides referrals to local legal aid and public interest law offices, basic information about legal rights, court forms, self-help information, court information, links to social service agencies, and more in your state.
Advance Directive
There are three important legal documents each person should have in place before a serious injury or illness. These bring peace of mind and clarity in a time of deep emotions and loss.
- Advance Directive/Living Will — Let others know your health care decisions and ensure your medical treatment wishes are carried out should you be unable to communicate them.
- Last Will and Testament — Distribute your property, name guardians and appoint an executor.
- Durable Power of Attorney — Appoint someone to communicate your decisions if you can’t.
If any or all of these documents are not in place, they can be created online at no cost. Do Your Own Will can guide you through the process, then automatically prepare documents ready to print and sign as required.
It is always recommended to consult with an attorney specializing in estate planning to make sure your legal documents communicate and execute exactly what you desire.
Join to receive more information on the often confusing terminology contained in Advanced Directives or Living Wills.

Mental Health Screening Resources
Mental Health America
This resource provides helpful screening tools for adults who may be experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Screening offered include tests for depression, anxiety, PTSD, alcohol and/or substance abuse.
Cognitive Health
Cognitive health is the ability to clearly think, learn, and remember. Learn how your brain changes as you age and what you can do to keep your cognitive function at its best. Learn what the National Institute on Aging says you can do to help care for your brain.

Memory Fitness
Memory games are a great way to train and boost memory in a playful way! By stimulating the mind, memory fitness exercises can help minimize or delay memory loss symptoms. Activities typically include:
- Physical exercise
- Board or group participation games
- Puzzles
- Literature discussions
- Music
There are more and more online memory games available. We’ve been improving our memory and these games have many difficulty levels and themes to keep them fresh.
Join to try out some online memory games!

Hearing Test
These tests analyze a person’s ability to perceive speech-in-noise. Based on the person’s series of responses tested, the results automatically generate a hearing score that indicates whether there may be a possible hearing loss. This test is conducted over a mobile phone with an app. Join to get the app used!

Honoring the Elder Years
How important is an elder in your family or community? Caring for seniors starts with our listening and their sharing. We created The Importance of Being an Elder in this World guide to help assist our elders to find purpose in their elder years and the life they have lived so far. Expressing feelings and emotions that may be following them opens a conversation and connection, something our elders often are missing. This guide can inspire, capture and help support. Join today to access this download!

Coping With Stress and Anxiety
Even if we, in our personal lives are having a wonderful day, something in the world around us, will cause us to feel stressed, worried or sad. The negativity that we are inundated with definitely causes us physical and emotional harm. So how do we avoid such horrible events, or better yet, how can we handle these horrible events when they are brought to our attention? Join today to access this download!

Dealing With Dying
There are two periods that are very important to the soul’s journey here on earth. The days before we come in and the days before we leave. The purpose of this guide is to assist people to be at peace and unencumbered when preparing to transition from this planet. When a person feels complete with their life, they rest in serenity and contentment. However, if they feel upset or unfinished, unfortunately, their spirit follows suit. Everyone and anyone who assists transition infuses their own life with intense richness and positivity. Join today to access this download!