Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition linked to variations in communication or social interaction. Children with autism have repetitive behavior and sometimes show restricted behavior. Autism has more occurrence in boys than in girls. Problems start at birth as babies have issues maintaining eye contact and have expressionless faces; as they grow, they show no interest in games, emotions, or social interaction. This occurs due to low birth weight, viral infection during pregnancy, or conceiving in old age.


  • They show repetitive behavior, such as arm flattering or running back and forth.
  • Maintaining objects’ order strictly and getting disturbed by a minor change in order.
  • Obsessive interests.
  • Some children may have delayed cognition, movement, or language development.
  • GIT disturbance such as diarrhea or constipation.
  • Irregular sleep patterns and disturbed eating habits.
  • Eating no food items such as paints, chalk, pencils, toys, etc.


Following are some tips to deal with autistic spectrum disorder;


We can get some therapies for autistic children, such as behavioral, physical, occupational, speech, or play therapy. All these are given by professional therapists and suggested by professional health care according to the condition of the children.

Dietary pattern

Make sure to provide them with a healthy diet. We should introduce whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, plenty of liquid, lean protein sources, fish, and unsaturated fats such as nuts and seeds. Make them avoid eating food with artificial additives and saturated fats.

Physical activity

Children with autism have a short span of attention. To communicate with them and make them feel special, play with time, and interact while playing with them. Make them busy with healthy physical activities and keep their mind active so we can interact with them more efficiently.

Provide attention

Autistic children show irregular and disturbing behavior to get our attention. We should spend with them, learn from them, listen to them, and make them feel that they mean to us. Children show anger or do bad things to get attention, which can be unhealthy for their present condition.

Stay positive and focused

Learn about autism and then behave with the children in that manner. They will understand and not become rebellious. We need to keep ourselves calm while dealing with such kids. Focusing on what is good for them and what is wrong can help manage their behavior.

Polite Behavioral

We need to deal with them politely. Avoid the usage of words that don’t as autistic children find bad to hear. Instead, we can do the things before them to learn from this. Don’t say don’t walk on the road, instead of walking in a room or a park.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that involves some genetic and environmental factors. Children with autistic spectrum disorder have repetitive behavior problems in language development and issues in communication. Some may show symptoms of GIT disturbance and obsessive behaviors. We must make them understand that things are good or bad for them. Changing dietary habits can also be helpful. Professional therapists also need therapies to enable them to live in this world. We should stay focused and learn about the disease, behave politely, and interact with them during physical activity; otherwise, they have a short time being attentive.