Suggestions on How to Use the UCA Guides

The Guides can be used alone or with partner, with family or friends or in a group.
We find that partner or group sessions increase the effectiveness. Working with another allows us to explore more fully the exercises and learn not only about ourselves but about each other as well.

  • The Guides can be done in one session or over time.
  • If you decide to do it over time, one exercise a day is sufficiently rewarding.
  • It is empowering to have events dedicated to doing the Guides.
  • Before beginning, turn off all electronics or anything else that could interfere.
  • Commit to the process.
  • Anyone who participates in the Guides is there for personal development and growth. This cannot happen without honesty and truth.
  • We are what we feel. Our emotions lead us to our wisdom.  Therefore, we encourage you to embrace all that comes up.

Purpose of the UCA Guides

While the Guides are topic based, the results may touch various areas of your personal life.  The Guides are designed to awaken personal knowledge, which then leads to personal empowerment.  Choose a Guide title that resonates with what is currently a challenge or theme in your life.  These Guides support you in creating a happier and less stressful life at home, work, community, or in the world at large.

Questions about the UCA Guides

If you have any questions about the Guides, please contact

In addition, if you are interested in utilizing the Guides in a larger group formats, we can assist you how to best facilitate Guide Groups.  We are also available to lead a group for you at a nominal fee.